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Neurointersexuality - Erection prosthesis

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Erection prosthesis



A contribution by Falk

The decision for or against penoid is not an easy one for many transsexual men (NIBD).
Advantages and disadvantages are weighed against each other.
This is made more difficult by the prevailing information deficit, because only very few post-OP formerly transsexual men (NIBD) are willing or interested in making their experiences accessible to a broad mass of interested parties.
Questions about the ability to orgasm, aesthetics, etc., often remain unanswered until one (s) can look back on one's own experiences ...

I would like to take up one main topic at this point:

The mechanical functionality
The newly won "little friend" may not only serve as a "urine drain", no, he also wants to enjoy the little joys in life, such as copulation.

In order to enable penetration into the vulva or anus, the penoid is provided with an implanted erectile prosthesis.
Erectile prostheses are artificial cavernous bodies made from various plastics.
There are one-piece, flexible (cylinder only), two-piece hydraulic (cylinder + pump) or three-piece hydraulic (cylinder + pump + fluid container) implants.


 Abb.: Hydraulic prosthesis

The cylinders are available in different lengths, not every penis / phallus is the same length.

(Image source:

Various pump models, newer generations, are better at imitating a testicle.

(Image source:

With the flexible rod prosthesis (costs approx. 1000-1500 €), the penis only has to be bent upwards before engaging in sexual intercourse.
The disadvantage of this prosthesis technology: the penis remains permanently rigid. It can be bent downwards so that it protrudes from the body at an angle of approx. 45 °.
The stiffness of the silicone rod is slightly less than that of a naturally erect penis.

In contrast, the hydraulic prostheses (costs approx. 4000 - 6000 €) imitate the natural erection; in the normal state the penis (the penoid) is flaccid.
In order to achieve a stiffening, fluid is pumped into the cylinders in the erectile tissue via a pump that is placed in the scrotum, causing them to stiffen.
The decisive advantage of hydraulic penile prostheses is that the penis is only stiffened when it is required.

Inducing an erection with an implanted erectile prosthesis.

Source: From HovhannesKarapetyan - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Disadvantages are the more complex operation, which requires appropriate know-how from the surgeon, as well as a repair rate for cylinder and pump of approx. 10-15% for long-term wearers (5-10 years).

Risks / Complications
The main risk of the operation is the risk of infection.
As after any operation, bleeding, infections, wound healing disorders and general pain can also occur here. The prosthesis itself can also cause complications.
With penile prostheses, as with all mechanical / technical devices, defects can occur that sometimes require surgical correction.


Here are two more examples, each flaccid and erect:

Click on the images to see the uncensored version!



More information about the erectile prosthesis can be found on the pages of Boston Scientific and Coloplast.



Weiter gehts:

Letzte Bearbeitung: 16.02.2024, 18:03



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Neurointersexualität / Neurointersexuelle Körperdiskrepanz (NIBD)
Eine Zusatz-Bezeichnung, die gerne von manchen originär transsexuellen Menschen benutzt wird, um sich von der inflationären Benutzung des Begriffes "Transsexualität", welche durch die genderorientierte Trans*-Community, aber auch durch die Medien getätigt wird, abzugrenzen. NIBD-Betroffene wollen einfach nicht mit anderen Phänomenlagen, die entweder nur ein Lifestyle, Rollenproblem oder sexueller Fetisch sind, verwechselt und/oder in einen Topf geworfen werden. Die Bezeichnung NIBD bezieht sich auf die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von Dr. Haupt.


Neurointersexuality / Neurointersexual Body Discrepancy (NIBD)
An additional term which is often used by originally transsexual people to differentiate themselves from the inflationary use of the term "transsexuality" by the gender-oriented trans* community, but also by the media. NIBD patients simply do not want to be confused and/or lumped together with other phenomena that are either just a lifestyle, role problem or sexual fetish. The term NIBD refers to the scientific work of Dr. Haupt.





Transgender - Transidentität
Transgender hadern hauptsächlich mit der sozialen Geschlechterrolle (gender), die ihnen seitens der Gesellschaft und kulturellen Konventionen aufgedrückt wird. Einen körperlichen Leidensdruck, wie ihn originär transsexuelle Menschen (NIBD) verspüren, ist bei ihnen nicht gegeben. Gerne und immer wieder wird, auch von Fachleuten, Transgenderismus mit originärer Transsexualität verwechselt.
Transidente hadern mit ihrer Identität als Mann oder Frau. Dieses Problem ist rein psychisch bedingt, einen körperlichen Leidensdruck, wie ihn originär transsexuelle Menschen (NIBD) verspüren, ist bei ihnen ebenfalls nicht gegeben. Auch hier wird das Phänomen gerne mit originärer Transsexualität verwechselt.


Transgender - Transidentity
Transgender people mainly struggle with the social gender role (gender) that is imposed on them by society and cultural conventions. They do not experience the kind of physical distress felt by originally transsexual people (NIBD). Transgenderism is often and repeatedly confused with original transsexuality, even by experts.
Transident people struggle with their identity as a man or a woman. This problem is purely psychological; they do not experience the kind of physical suffering that original transsexual people (NIBD) do. Here too, the phenomenon is often confused with original transsexuality.

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