Lectures and presentations
On 19.09.21 I gave my first lecture on "NIBD and the development of 'phantom feelings'" at a medical congress in Melle. Underpinned by a Powerpoint presentation I created myself, it was a very nice, interesting and also inspiring and enriching experience. Since then, I've been inspired and want to expand this beautiful terrain further. My great role model in this regard is Vera F. Birkenbihl, who unfortunately passed away on December 3rd, 2011. A wonderful lecture from her is linked here. Subject "men and women" (german language).
I could imagine giving lectures and presentations at the following gatherings:
- SHGs (self-help groups)
- VHS (adult education centers)
- Universities
- University hospitals
- Clinics and hospitals
- Health insurances
- Measure
- Congresses
- Symposia
- "Private party"
If you are interested in a lecture, do not hesitate to write me.