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Neurointersexuality - Sexuality

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or the most beautiful thing in the world. wink

At this point I would like to deal with a topic that is still fraught with ignorance, stigma, shame and prejudice. Especially before and at the beginning of transition, the topic is generously avoided by almost all transsexual victims (NIBD). Although people suffering from NIBD, they are also sexual beings and endowed with a sex drive, the sex drive is not granted in terms of interaction with other people. The reasons are obvious. On the one hand, in transsexual women (NIBD) who take a blocker until the testicles are removed to stop the testosterone effects (endocrinologists usually prescribe Androcur), the sex drive comes to a standstill. On the other hand, with an anatomy whose external appearance does not correspond to the inherent sexuality and thus the innate sexual being, a pleasurable and satisfying sexuality with a sexual partner is not possible. Although the masturbation is quite feasible with some compromises, but not fulfilling. A (former) transsexual man wants to give and a (former) transsexual woman wants to receive. With the wrong genital equipment, the whole thing is just not feasible. This fact also contributes to the considerable suffering. The transition is certainly not primarily carried out for sexual reasons or even sexual preferences, since completely different causes play a much larger and more decisive role, but the topic cannot be neglected, because it is precisely a healthy and intact sexuality that can be lived out , is the icing on the cake, which contributes to a complete arrival after completion of the transition.

Or as a friend of mine once said:

At the latest then "Trans" is a final and completely closed phase, if after the physical-anatomical coherence also the holistic psycho-social supplement of THESE!!! conditions could be achieved!

Another reason to avoid the topic of sexuality is how many reviewers deal with it. How often have you heard both versions:

  • Yes, if you have not yet had sex, then you can't judge whether you are transsexual ...
  • Yes, if you have already had sex with the current organ, then it can't have been that bad for you, so you are certainly not transsexual (at most transgender).

As you can see, no matter what you say, a rope is twisted out of it. So it is best not to speak to them about this topic. The most famous question of all questions is still missing, especially in German usage:

If transsexuality (NGS) has primarily nothing to do with sexuality, why is it still called transsexuality? I think that's a legitimate question. The answer is also very easy! Quite simply, the word component "sexuality" in transsexuality does not describe "bed stories" but rather the "inherent sexuality of a person". And in English, "inherent sexuality of a person" simply means sex. It's in every passport where the "Geschlecht" (German) / sex (English) / sexe (French) as f (female / féminine - female) or m (male / masculin - male) is coded.

This would also clarify the question of the term "transsexuality". Incidentally, to the great contrast of "transgender", because "gender" is the social gender role in German. So practically socio-gender behavior, which is by no means an indication of whether who is sexually a man or a woman. (There is enough on the subject of transgenderism elsewhere.)

Unfortunately there are still a lot of people from yesterday who don't care about the linguistic facts and origins, it says "sexuality", so it must have something to do with homosexuality, sexual preferences and "bed stories". And since sexuality and thus also sexual intercourse is seen by a great amount of people and in many cultures as something dirty and perverse and is associated with a lot of shame, it may only be used after marriage and to make babies, transsexual people (NIBD) are also immediately pushed into the perverse or even into the red light corner. I don't need to explain in more detail that this is doing more than injustice to those affected by NIBD.

Be that as it may, a generally more relaxed and casual approach to human sexuality, free from shame, stigma and prejudice but with the necessary respect and decency would do us all good.. smile



12.04.24: Erweiterung der Inhalte zur körperlichen Transition

Wir haben uns nun die Mühe gemacht und den Bereich der körperlichen Transition um die Hormonbehandlung erweitert.


25.01.23: Neue Grafiken... / New graphics...

...sind nun online. Zu sehen hier und hier.

...are online now. See here and here.


24.09.23: Filme und NIBD-Stammtisch

Jetzt bieten wir auch die Möglichkeit, sich gute Filme bei uns zum Thema NIBD anschauen zu können. Hier. Viel Spaß beim gucken und Popkorn futtern. wink

Eine Userin war so freundlich und hat für uns via Zoom einen virtuellen NIBD-Stammtisch aufgebaut. So können wir locker flockig miteinander plauschen und uns dabei sehen. Die Zugangsdaten gibt es nur für registrierte User denen wir vertrauen können.


21.07.23: Chat

Nachdem ich heute den ganzen Tag gebastelt habe, steht nun unser eigener Chat. Immer hereinspaziert in die gute Stube. Kaffee und Kuchen stehen bereit. Hier entlang.


18.07.23: Zertifikat

Seit heute den 18.07.23 ist unsere Webseite mit einem SSL-Zertifikat versehen. Das berühmte "Schloß" ist nun nicht mehr durchgestrichen.

Neurointersexualität / Neurointersexuelle Körperdiskrepanz (NIBD)
Eine Zusatz-Bezeichnung, die gerne von manchen originär transsexuellen Menschen benutzt wird, um sich von der inflationären Benutzung des Begriffes "Transsexualität", welche durch die genderorientierte Trans*-Community, aber auch durch die Medien getätigt wird, abzugrenzen. NIBD-Betroffene wollen einfach nicht mit anderen Phänomenlagen, die entweder nur ein Lifestyle, Rollenproblem oder sexueller Fetisch sind, verwechselt und/oder in einen Topf geworfen werden. Die Bezeichnung NIBD bezieht sich auf die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von Dr. Haupt.


Neurointersexuality / Neurointersexual Body Discrepancy (NIBD)
An additional term which is often used by originally transsexual people to differentiate themselves from the inflationary use of the term "transsexuality" by the gender-oriented trans* community, but also by the media. NIBD patients simply do not want to be confused and/or lumped together with other phenomena that are either just a lifestyle, role problem or sexual fetish. The term NIBD refers to the scientific work of Dr. Haupt.





Transgender - Transidentität
Transgender hadern hauptsächlich mit der sozialen Geschlechterrolle (gender), die ihnen seitens der Gesellschaft und kulturellen Konventionen aufgedrückt wird. Einen körperlichen Leidensdruck, wie ihn originär transsexuelle Menschen (NIBD) verspüren, ist bei ihnen nicht gegeben. Gerne und immer wieder wird, auch von Fachleuten, Transgenderismus mit originärer Transsexualität verwechselt.
Transidente hadern mit ihrer Identität als Mann oder Frau. Dieses Problem ist rein psychisch bedingt, einen körperlichen Leidensdruck, wie ihn originär transsexuelle Menschen (NIBD) verspüren, ist bei ihnen ebenfalls nicht gegeben. Auch hier wird das Phänomen gerne mit originärer Transsexualität verwechselt.


Transgender - Transidentity
Transgender people mainly struggle with the social gender role (gender) that is imposed on them by society and cultural conventions. They do not experience the kind of physical distress felt by originally transsexual people (NIBD). Transgenderism is often and repeatedly confused with original transsexuality, even by experts.
Transident people struggle with their identity as a man or a woman. This problem is purely psychological; they do not experience the kind of physical suffering that original transsexual people (NIBD) do. Here too, the phenomenon is often confused with original transsexuality.

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