Welcome to Transsexuality-NIBD

We are happy to offer our website also in english language. It could be that our english is not the best as our english lessons in school are very long time ago. We have used also the help from Google-translator and DeepL. Please feel free to visit us. smile

We have decided to use the term neuro-intersexuality, or more precisely neuro-intersexual body discrepancy (NIBD)[1a], developed by Dr. Horst-Jörg Haupt, in parallel to the term "original transsexuality". On the one hand, to differentiate it from social-scientific terms that use the word "gender" and, on the other, to avoid the much-discussed association with sexual preferences ("active bedtime stories").

We consider the term "gender" in connection with "original transsexuality" / neurointersexuality to be misleading, since this phenomenon is not a primelary problem with the gender role, but essentially a discrepancy between the neurosensory sexus-body schema (according to Dr. Haupt[1b]) on the one hand and the physical-sexual phenotype on the other.

In recent years, neuroscience in particular has also defined the brain as a sexual organ. This is because the brain is - in principle - also female or male. This fact is particularly important when it comes to the question of how a person can itself determine or assign their sex. According to the current state of neuroscientific research, the brains of transsexual people are fundamentally sexed differently to their genitals or chromosomes, for example. Like the Hawaiian sexologist Milton Diamond, the neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran, who works in the USA, also speaks of brain sex in this context.[2]

Prof. Dr. Milton Diamond himself wrote an article in the original book "Transsexualität in Theologie und Neurowissenschaften", from which the above quote by Dr. Haupt comes, which can also be viewed in the following link on his homepage.

Transsexualism as an Intersex Condition

Transsexualität in Theologie und Neurowissenschaften (Transsexuality in Theology and Neuroscience), Hrsg. Gerhard Schreiber, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2016 - Seite 90

[1b] Transsexualität in Theologie und Neurowissenschaften (Transsexuality in Theology and Neuroscience), Hrsg. Gerhard Schreiber, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2016 - Seite 90 - 91

[2] Transsexualität in Theologie und Neurowissenschaften (Transsexuality in Theology and Neuroscience), Hrsg. Gerhard Schreiber, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2016 - Seite 79 - 80

Important note: Recently, we have rejected the term “Neurogenital Syndrome” and the associated abbreviation “NGS” for various reasons:
  1. Too genitally biased and therefore stigmatizing.
  2. The transition is carried out holistically and not just “down there”.
  3. Our phenomenon is not a syndrome (accumulation of symptoms), therefore a medically incorrect term.
  4. It is not scientifically and medically based, has no scientific and medical basis (in contrast to "neurointersexuality")
  5. There is no high-quality scientific literature on NGS, but there is on neurointersexuality.
  6. For reasons that we do not want to commentate.


First of all, a very nice speech from "Star Trek - The Next Century", episode "The Outcast". Soren (Melinda Cullen), an androgynous being from the J'naii people, is accused of her forbidden female sexuality and her relationship with Commander Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and defends herself in court. However, the words spoken can also be interpreted as a call for more tolerance towards neurointersexual people and unequal relationships. I couldn't have said it better myself. Excerpt can also be found on YouTube.



This page would like to bring together those affected people who clearly identify themselves as men or woman. Those who just as clearly carry out their transition, distance themselves from gender ideology and the gender mainstream, who cannot do anything with all the stuff of LGBTIQ * and who wants to live after the transition just a normal, inconspicuous life as a man or woman.  Socially and professionally integrated and established.


Who we are and who we aren't?

(All depicted persons are publicly outed and the pictures can be found openly on the net!)

We are men resp. women, not transgender, transident, trans *, non-binary, gender-fluid, shemales, hefemales and whatever they are called, just plain men or women.


What do we want?

First and foremost, we want to have a diagnostic separation from gender-affected people, i.e. we want to have a separate disease entity acknowledged such that the correct use of the nomenclature and a re-sorting of the ICD. The ICD10 wasn't formidable, the ICD11 is even worse, since diagnostically everything is lumped together there. Things that don't belong together are thrown together. Sex issues have nothing to do with gender issues. We also want to increase our well-founded medical database in our forum, publish medical knowledge and developments, compare surgical techniques, even internationally if necessary (a clear phenotype is also very important "down there"), so that those affected are able to make a well-informed decision for the right surgery. Furthermore, we explain the NIBD in a medically understandable and derivable way for every layperson.

Specialists are also very welcome if they want to make a contribution to improving treatment or if they have ideas that they would like to discuss with us. Because unfortunately decisions are still made far too often behind our backs and "improvements" come from the area of ​​transgender counseling while our needs are greatly to be "swept under the carpet" (German idiom). That has to be stopped.

We didn't go the path to clarity in order to continue coming out permanently (which is exclusively a need of the transgender community), but to finally be able to live an inconspicuous normal life, as it is inherent in us from birth.

Normal, inconspicuous, socially and professionally integrated.


At this point we refer to the transgender activist Virginia Charles Prince, who invented the term transgender in order to distance herself as a transgender from the originally transsexual people (NIBD). We follow their call and also name and implement their separation of concerns.

What might be interesting to know: We are the only legitimate successors of: Trans-Eltern

See you then, yours Selfmademan


PS: There are pictures with "nudity" on the page, these are for medical information only. When you navigate to these pages, you are confirming that you are mature enough and old enough to deal with this content without any problems.

Letzte Bearbeitung: 03.03.2024, 22:04